In an attempt to have correct info out there, let me try to boil down what’s happening now. As for now, entry to Gilgo is for Town Of Babylon residents only. I pray that this will be lifted so we can welcome back so many of our friends from neighboring villages and even out of state patrons. Please be patient and safe, we’ll keep you posted.
The GBI will be hosting it’s annual Halloween Party this Saturday 10/26 starting at 1pm. We are getting down to the wire and it’s supposed to be pretty nice out, so why not stop by for a beer and to bid the Summer ’19 season a well earned winter’s nap.
The Urge this Sunday 10-6 at 1pm

Just checking in to remind folks that we are open daily and parking and docking is free. The beach is gorgeous this time of the year. Baitfish have been on the beach with schoolie bass and blues reported and snappers are abundant off the dock for kids. Acoustic Urge will be playing this Sunday 10-6 and we are here until Halloween. I’ll follow soon with the Halloween party date, it’s probably going to be 10/26. Be good.
Sept/Oct Update

Also important to remember that parking/docking fees are over at Gilgo so it’s been nice to see all the familiar fall faces that visit from neighboring towns.